Fashion Crossover Feature

Screenshot of when I featured on the home page of Fashion Crossover London.

Screenshot of when I featured on the home page of Fashion Crossover London.

Honestly, I remember long ago I would think “why are those who on social media so caught up with their feed, their analytics, their content … why?”. Now I know why. In the 21st century we are often catching negative press from being too far into the internet, but this is just one part of globalisation: how we can access the whole world through our fingertips. That is something, I don’t think I will EVER underestimate again.

When I was studying my degree in fashion design, it did not take long before I was asked to chose electives, but the choices I was given just did not feel right. I remember sitting in Moscow at the time, and looking at all the choices and thinking “Am I really being offerred things like Game Design?”. I should be realistic. I am not undermining any other subject, but when your lecturer says that fashion involves almost 50 different things for one collection, i.e '“patternmaking, technical skills, marketing, grading, product development, textile design and sourcing, management and organisation, etc, etc”, you start to think “wow, I have a lot to learn, don’t I?”

Funnily enough, the job I am working that seems almost the opposite of degree for the last five years actually gave me the base of everything I am to learn in my business electives. It makes me all that more grateful to be working so hard throughout my degree, no matter how hard it is. After all, it taught me so much about customer service, and that is exactly what is important these days: engaging your customer.

For a fashion brand, especially one that has literally just begun to exist, I had to do all the work to even begin finding and engaging those who my content is targeted at. For existing companies, they already have that attention and audience, but I knew that with so much competition out there I had to work really hard: I don’t have a reputation yet, nor the funds, nor the geographical location. I really have to do whatever I can to get out there.

I was not expecting it to work though, I admit. For someone who feels like the underdog of fashion, I poured so much of my effort into researchig and implemeting every social media marketing strategy I could to gain exposure, especially since COVID is raging across the Earth and dragging through the creative industries. After all the hard work, I was offered to be featured on Fashion Crossover’s page and subsequent social media activities. I don’t think anyone understands how much of honour it was to me to offerred this, let alone go through it. I am blessed.

To see the full feature, click here.